maandag 27 januari 2014

Hoe word ik een goede lesgever?

"Hoe kan een lesgever zijn studenten motiveren?" Deze vraag kreeg de Amerikaanse leerkracht Heather Wolpert-Gawron ook voorgeschoteld. In plaats van zelf na te denken over deze vraag vond ze het beter om hem aan haar eigen leerlingen voor te leggen (leeftijd: 13 - 15 jaar). 220 van hen gaven hierop een antwoord en zelf heeft ze hierin tien categorieën kunnen onderscheiden.

Wat volgt is een lijst van tien elementen waaruit een goed gegeven les zou moeten bestaan, en dit volgens de leerlingen zelf! Onder ieder punt geven we een citaat van een leerling mee. Op de blog zelf kun je nog meer citaten lezen.

1) Laat leerlingen samenwerken

"Teens find it most interesting and exciting when there is a little bit of talking involved. Discussions help clear the tense atmosphere in a classroom and allow students to participate in their own learning."

2) Maak gebruik van technologie

"I believe that when students participate in "learning by doing" it helps them focus more. Technology helps them to do that. Students will always be extremely excited when using technology."

3) Leg een link tussen wat er in de klas gebeurt en de echte wereld

"I believe that it all boils down to relationships. Not relationships from teacher to student or relationships from student to student, but rather relations between the text and the outside world. For example, I was in a history class last year and my teacher would always explain what happens in the Medieval World and the Renaissance. And after every lesson, every essay, every assignment, he asked us, "How does this event relate to current times?" It brought me to a greater thinking, a kind of thinking where I can relate the past to the present and how closely they are bonded together."
"If you relate the topic to the students' lives, then it makes the concept easier to grasp."

4) Straal zelf uit dat je gepassioneerd bent door de materie

"Engaging students can be a challenge, and if you're stuck in a monotone, rambling on and on, that doesn't help...instead of talking like a robot, teachers should speak to us like they're really passionate about teaching. Make sure to give yourself an attitude check. If a teacher acts like this is the last thing they want to be doing, the kids will respond with the same negative energy. If you act like you want to be there, then we will too."

5) Zorg er voor dat we actief bezig zijn

"When a student is active they learn in a deeper way than sitting. For example, in my history class, we had a debate on whether SOPA and PIPA were good ideas. My teacher had us stand on either ends of the room to state whether we agree or disagree with the proposition. By doing this, I was able to listen to what all my classmates had to say."

6) Maak gebruik van visuele hulpmiddelen

"I am interested when there are lots of visuals to go with the lesson. Power Points are often nice, but they get boring if there are too many bullet points. Pictures and cartoons usually are the best way to get attention."

7) Laat leerlingen zelf kiezen

"Giving students choices helps us use our strengths and gives us freedom to make a project the way we want it to. When we do something we like, we're more focused and enjoy school more."

8) Probeer je in te leven in de leefwereld van de leerling

"Personally, I think that students don't really like to be treated as 'students.' Teachers can learn from us students. They need to ask for our input on how the students feel about a project, a test, etc. Most importantly, teachers need to ask themselves, "How would I feel if I were this student?" See from our point of view and embrace it."

9) Varieer en houd het luchtig

"Also, you can't go wrong with some comedy. Everyone loves a laugh...another thing that engages me would be class or group games. In Language Arts I've played a game of "dodge ball. We throw words at each other, one at a time. If they could get the definition, the person who threw the word would be out...Students remember the ones they got wrong, and of course, the ones they already knew."

10) Wees menselijk

"The thing is, every student is engaged differently...but, that is okay. There is always a way to keep a student interested and lively, ready to embark on the journey of education. 'What is that way?' some teachers may ask eagerly. Now, read closely... Are you ready? That way is to ask them. Ask. Them. Get their input on how they learn. It's just as simple as that."

Over de auteur: Alexander Vandecaveye is afgestudeerd als Bachelor in de Geografie en Master in de Wijsbegeerte en werkt momenteel als studiecoach en social media expert voor REBUS.

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